The Presenter has about 45 minutes to prepare to present an answer to an mCpath question to the class. Which question will be randomly selected, just so that the class doesn't hear the same question being answered several times.
The main thing for most people is don't read the presentation.
The other is to take the question 2 seriously. If you write only a little, your grade for this will be low.
A group with 6 members will have 2 Presenters.
Q1 Subject knowledge
Doesn't really show understanding of what is talked about. Gave the wrong information
Has some understanding but making some major errors
Somewhat understands both questions or understands one of the questions well and can do ok on the second
Looks like understand materials well with just some flaws or small issues
Does outstanding job of presenting, showing good expertise of the material
Q1 delivery
No reading from notes
Vocal variety
Eye contact with audience
Speaking volume
Q2 Reflection on improvement next time
Only a sentence or two
A couple of sentences that show some thought put into this
A good paragraph explaining what were the issues and a discussion on how to improve next time
Thoughtful amount going to explain several issues, with a discussion that explain this in more detail, concluding with a plan on how to improve next time
Similar to 4 but just a lot more discussion that shows good thought and analysis