
Class Description

Digital literacy relating to computer literacy and information literacy; computer hardware and its general functions; operating systems; software packages and their daily use; computer security; the ethical use of intellectual property.

Course Goals

Class Learning Outcomes


You will participate in mCpath (mobile commuting path learning). You will work together in teams of up to 5 people using your smartphone or other mobile computing devices. eams must decide on roles. At the end of this session, each group will send up a presenter to answer questions during class and then a series of reports need to be turned in. 

Computer lab

There will be weekly computer labs. Students are encouraged to experiment with the system or program that is taught that week. The projects assigned are to help you with your practical skills with a software package. 


As to MUIC’s policy, students missing more than 20 percent of their classes won’t be allowed to take the final exam. For me, a student will receive an F for the class if missed 5 classes. I will allow a student to take final, but I will give a zero for the course grade, meaning a student receives an F. 
